best viewed on desktop!!!
Congratulations, you're cool! Here's a comprehensive guide to the next couple months, off the top of my head:Boycott any corporation known for labor violations and/or conservative donations. Some good examples of where to start can be found here , but it goes without saying that companies like Hobby Lobby and Chik-Fil-A are also good boycott targets.
Move from mainstream social media platforms to their decentralized counterparts; for example, from Twitter to Bluesky and Instagram to Pixelfed. The hosting domain of this site, Neocities, is also a wonderful place to host your own website.
Switch from Google to a similar search engine. I use DuckDuckGo, which has its own privacy browser. You can also toggle off the AI assistance with it. Proton has a slew of products that can replace Google, such as Google Drive, GMail, and Google Calendar.
I'm aware that short-form content has fried many people's attention span, including mine. Still, try to read as much as you can; even if it's only in 60-second increments. There are mountains of books, even fiction, that will help you expand your attention span and exercise critical thinking. The Better Future Program's Liberation Library has TONS of easily accessible resources on social justice and academics, and the Queer Liberation Library is a free way to get set up with a library card and read queer literature.
Fight back in any way you can. A good way to do that is to sign up for the upcoming US General Strike, which aims to make change in this country by withholding labor. Only sign up if you will remain stable enough to strike!
Follow Voices Ignited on Tiktok and keep an eye out for protests they orgnize near you. Attend them. Research what to bring to a protest before you attend and stay safe and peaceful!
Talk to your neighbors, even the ones you hate. Stay in touch with all of your friends and pool all of your skills to help each other out (for example, gardening, cooking, sewing, crocheting, and knitting are all useful skills to have). Start a study club or book club and read banned literature. Support your public library fiscally or with volunteer work.
Most of all, don't give up. Keep living, and keep fighting :heart: